Warhammer 40K Summer league 2002!

The Roster: Here is the complete roster.


1750 Pts - Orks Army Warboss Bobz Killa Konviktz

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Waboss Bob (Warbs) 1 5 2 5/10 4 3 4 4/5 9 3+/5(I)+ 128
Independent Character; Choppa (x1); Power Klaw (x1)
  'Eavy Armour 4+ Armour save. [8]
  Bosspole Mobs trying to 'Mob Up' with the mob led by this character may re-roll their Ld test. [3]
  Bionik Arm Causes one S4, I6 hit against one model in base contact in Close Combat. Also counts as an extra CC weapon if you don't otherwise have one (bonus S4 hit not included on profile, extra CC weapon attack is). [10]
  Bionik Bonce +1 armour save (included on profile). [10]
  Cybork Body 5+ Invulnerable save. [10]
da smokaz (Burna) 8 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 128
Slugga & Choppa (x4); Burna (x4)
  Verngit (Mekz) 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ [32]
Slugga (x1); Kustom Force Field
    Mek's Tools May be used on an 'Immobilised' or 'Weapon Destroyed' vehicle, or a damaged Big Gun, instead of shooting or fighting. At the end of the turn, roll a D6- on a 6 one bit of damage is repaired, on a 2-5 nothing happens, on a 1 you can't try again until the vehicle / weapon recieves further damage. [2]
da shootaz (Shoot) 12 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ 157
Shoota (x9); Big Shoota (x3)
  Deadeye (Nob) 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ [37]
Choppa (x1); Big Shoota
    Bosspole Mobs trying to 'Mob Up' with the mob led by this character may re-roll their Ld test. [3]
da slugaz (Slugg) 20 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 192
Slugga & Choppa (x18); Burna (x2)
da bustaz (TankB) 7 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 145
Tank Hunters; Slugga & CC Weapon (x4); Rokkit Launcha (x3); Frag Stikkbomz; Tankbusta Bomz
  Rippa (Nob) 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 4+ [47]
Choppa (x1); Rokkit Launcha; Frag Stikkbomz; Tankbusta Bomz
    'Eavy Armour 4+ Armour save. [8]
    Bosspole Mobs trying to 'Mob Up' with the mob led by this character may re-roll their Ld test. [3]
    Ammo Runt Once per battle, one ork in base contact with the Grot may re-roll 1 shooting dice to hit. The Grot cannot be chosen as a casualty from normal shooting, but is hit by templates as normal. [4]
      Grot 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 - [0]
da gitz (Gretc) 20 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 - 80
Orks get cover saves when shot at through Grots; Orks can use Grots to move faster over difficult terrain; Can remove Minefields; Blasta
  Slapgit (Slave) 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ [20]
Slugga (x1); Grabba Stick
    Squighound If the Squighound is in contact with the Slaver, the Mob or Battery he leads can re-roll failed Morale checks & Leadership tests. [5]
      'untagit (Squig) 1 3 - 3 3 1 2 1 2 - [0]
da 'Ard Boyz (Ardby) 17 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 4+ 255
Slugga & Choppa (x14); Big Shoota (x1); Burna (x2)
  Panza (Nob) 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 4+ [31]
Choppa (x1); Slugga (x1)
    'Eavy Armour 4+ Armour save. [0]
    Bosspole Mobs trying to 'Mob Up' with the mob led by this character may re-roll their Ld test. [3]
Kurtz Kroozaz (TrkMb) 8 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 173
Only take a wound on a 6 (instead of a 4+) if their Trukk is destroyed with them in it; Slugga & Choppa (x7); Big Shoota (x1)
  Kurt (Nob) 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 4+ [28]
Choppa (x1); Slugga (x1)
    'Eavy Armour 4+ Armour save. [8]
  da Krooza (Trukk) 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [65]
Fast; Open-topped; Rokkit Launcha (x1)
    Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
    Grot Riggers If the vehicle is immobilised, it is repaired on a 4+ at the start of it's turn. [2]
    Turbo Boosta Vehicle moves +D6" straight ahead. It counts as moving it's unmodified amount for shooting & disembarking, but if you roll 4+" nobody may shoot or disembark. [5]
    10 pt. Armour Plates If the vehicle is hit, roll a D6- on a 6 ignore the hit. No effect against Ordnance. [10]
    Bolt-on Big Shoota 36"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3. Must be fired by a passenger. [10]
da smoka trakk (WarBg) 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 46
Fast; Open-Topped; Skorcha (x1)
  Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
  Grot Riggers If the vehicle is immobilised, it is repaired on a 4+ at the start of it's turn. [2]
  Stikkbom Chucka Vehicle can make Tank Shock attacks. If it can already Tank Shock, enemies have -1 to their Morale check when it does. [3]
da rokkit trakk (WarBg) 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 43
Fast; Open-Topped; Twin Linked Rokk. Launcha (x1)
  Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
Dreadnought (Heavy Support) 1 WS: 4 BS: 2 S: 5/10 I: 2 A: 2/3 80
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; Walker; Skorcha; Rokkit Launcha; Dreadnought CC Weapon (x1); Dreadnought CC Weapon (x1)
da battle barge (Battl) 1 BS: 2 Front: 13 Side: 12 Rear: 10 160
Tank; Open-topped; Carries 20 Orks; 'Bolt-On Big Shootas' can only be fired by the Mob on board; Bolt-On Big Shoota (x2); Twin Linked Big Shoota (x2); Zzap Gun (x1)
  Grot Riggers If the vehicle is immobilised, it is repaired on a 4+ at the start of it's turn. [2]
  Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
Leman Russ Battle Tank (Heavy Support) 1 BS: 2 Front: 14 Side: 12 Rear: 10 161
Make a Breakdown test for each looted vehicle at the start of each turn; Leman Russ; Tank.; Battle Cannon; Heavy Bolter; 2 Spn. Heavy Flamers
  Grot Riggers If the vehicle is immobilised, it is repaired on a 4+ at the start of it's turn. [2]
  Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
  Searchlight In a "Night Fight" mission, the Searchlight lets one unit be shot at by everyone, but the vehicle using it can be targetted by everyone in return. Use once per turn. [1]
Option Footnotes:
  Battle Cannon 72"R, S8, AP3, Ordnance 1, Blast.
  Big Shoota 36"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3.
  Blasta 12"R, S3, AP-, Assault 1.
  Burna (Template, S4, AP5, Assault 1) OR (No armour save in close combat). May not be used as both in the same turn. AP 4+2D6 vs. vehicles.
  CC Weapon +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon. Note: A CC Weapon is NOT a Choppa.
  Choppa +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon. Saving throws of 3+ or 2+ count as 4+ against a Choppa.
  Dreadnought CC Weapon No armour save in close combat. 1 CCW doubles strength; 2 give +1 Attacks.
  Frag Stikkbomz When attacking models in cover, both sides strike simultaneously (Power / Chain Fists go last).
  Grabba Stick Model may make full number of attacks, as long as it's within 2" of an enemy. May not be combined with other weapons.
  Heavy Bolter 36"R, S5, AP4, Heavy 3.
  Heavy Flamer Template, S5, AP4, Assault 1.
  Kustom Force Field All models within 6" have a 5+ (I) saving throw, vehicles are Hull Down. No effect in close combat.
  Power Klaw Doubles strength, no armour save & always strikes last in close combat. +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon.
  Rokkit Launcha 24"R, S8, AP3, Assault 1.
  Shoota 24"R, S4, AP6, Rapid Fire.
  Skorcha Template, S5, AP4, Assault 1.
  Slugga 12"R, S4, AP6, Pistol. +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon.
  Tankbusta Bomz AP 6+(D6 * 2) vs vehicles and immobile Dreadnoughts in close combat- only one attack may be made per model with grenades.
  Twin Linked Big Shoota Normal: 36"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3, Linked. Warbike: 18"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3, Linked.
  Twin Linked Rokk. Launcha 24"R, S8, AP3, Assault 1, Linked.
  Zzap Gun 24"R, S(2D6), AP2, Heavy 1. Hits automatically. If you roll an 11 or 12 for the Strength, one of the Krew is killed.
Total Army Cost: 1748 Pts.
Power of the WAAAAAAAAAAAGH, Mob Rule

Models in Army: 107

Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 128 1622 7%
Elite (<=3unit) 1 2 255 1495 14%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 5 1 702 1048 40%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 3 0 262 1488 14%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 3 0 401 1349 22%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1750 0%
Equipment Summary 28 n/a 129 n/a 7%
