Da lootaz - da autokannon boyz

Up to 10 strong (eventually), this support weapon mob currenty sports 2 autocannons, and a heavy bolter. I'd like to be able to field three autocannons in the future though. The autocannons simply rock. 48" range, str 7, they give some needed long range knock down power to da boyz. Being heavy 2, that means that even us, hitting on 5's have a decent chance to hit something, and only two chances to kill each other!

The autocannons, finished.
the rest of da boyz, finished.
close up of a backpack.
Autocannon on an Epicast base, production shot.
Business end, production shot.
The second autocannon boy, production shot.
Autocannon, production shot.
'eavy weapons, production shot.
Gun carriage in transport, production shot.
production shot.
There are three regular "guard" lootaz in this production shot.
And their backpacks.

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