Bobz Killa Konvictz Konversion Korna
'ere is some of Mekboy Goobaz favorite jobs.
Da battle barge.
a quick shot of da barge. go here for more!
This is a scratchbuilt battle wagon, 'cept for the lemen russ bitz we burrowed.
Check out dat wreckea next to it for size! Da barge actually holds 20 of da
wildest boyz out der!
'ere's a second one we built from a looted 'umie land raider. Steam powered!
Da 'evy Chevy
is Bob's favorite ride. I got the idear on the rough design from a vehicle museum
on Bardov we wuz lootin'. Da Chevy gotz a snazzy red paint job (with flames!),
but a second live rear axle (to carry Bob's bulk), a rokkit launcher, reinforced
ram, stikkboom chukka, a turbo boosta, and a pintal mounted Big shoota ta keep
dem grotz in line.
'er out.
here you can see how big da chevy really is compared to one a dem trukks
of dem zoggin' trukk boyz.
Shoota Buggy
one's got a bit o' extra armor, good fer keep'n dem pesky 'umies from wacken'
it too bad.
Spida Buggy
one's an metal 'ead toomb
spida we smashed and rebuilt. Kustom force mega blasta an all!
one Tau's Crisis, and you have a mek boyz opportoonity!
Looted Rhino
one we stole from da 'umies on Armegeddon. Dem gits done gone and left
da keys in da dang thing. We tore out da 'umie guns, and put in some proper
big shootas, and a few extra pieces of steel ta keep it movin'.
a good view of da xtra armor
Looted Leman Russ
one we stole too from da 'umies on Armegeddon. We tore out da 'umie lasgun,
and put in a proper big shoota, and a few extra pieces of steel ta keep it movin'.
ZZap Dragon
one is me favorite. After da boyz were gettin' stompd by da 'umie tanks
on Armageddon, we needed somthin' to fight back. Make us a tank, says
Bob. Ok, says me. But I don' like 'umie tankz, slow an' all. So I takez a trukk,
gives it a suped up motor I was savin', bits from a 'umie rhino we stripped
and a Zzap gun in a turret in the back. Just fer good measure, a schorcha
in the front helps keep the 'umies and other greedy gitz's paws off it.
even got its own spare rubba.
'ere you can see the burna fuel tank.
a bit bigga dan a normal trukk.
Gun trukk
just stukk the zzap platform (below) on da back of a wrecker we had. Durn useful
Zzap Platform
is a Zzap platfrom we made. Dis fits any trukk, makeing even da 'evy chevy a
gun trukk if needed. Use it alone too, I don' care none. 'ey! get dat git off
of dat ding!
Lobba Rokkits
likes dese rokkits, 'cause dey go whoosh- BOOM. Da problem is d're kinda hard
on grots. Da stupid gits always stand behind 'em. Dey only do it once though
- and we're gettin' kind a used to the flavor of cooked meat.
stand there ya dumb git!
(interested in seeing how you can make these for about $1.25, gits not included? Click here)
Big shootas
good gunz so 'ard to find, I make me own. Got the idea from Codex Ork, but don'
tell Bob dat.
Sometimez itz 'ard ta tell da boyz apart. So we does dis.
Left to right - slugga boy [extra knife], shoota boy [extra ammo], burna boy [extra fuel tank].
out da Skwire's crazy Rhino conversion "Da Rolls" on our guest gallery
go to the Eldar
go to the Storm Lords Space Marines
go to the Warhammer 40K page
go to the Killa Konvictz