
I'm just getting started in this hobby, so be patient!

5 February 2008

Finally some pictures with paint! Not a lot, mind you, but the gunners have a base coat down now. A couple of production shots of Khador warjacks as well, but they are very basic

29 January 2008

I've been able to get a couple games in, and l'm having fun with the game system. The combination of activation and model emphasis per the focus points system makes it very different from other games, and the change is welcome. I like the warcaster's "feats", deciding when to use those can make the difference between victory and failure.

I've gotten some paint down on a few of the Grundbark gunners, and I've begun collection the Khador army as well. I will hopefully have some pictures up this week of both.

30 December 2007

Just started this site, and my WarMachine army. I'm planning on playing Khador, but my LGS didnt' have them in stock, so I started off with Gorten Grundbark's Mercenary Company.