Turn 2:
Biterolf smiles and invisible smile, and turns his autocannon towards the orks below him. Again the staccato of heavy shells rings out, smashing two more orks into so much useless flesh. Biterolf’s flamer once again jets out, engulfing the entire ork unit. Another ork falls to Biterolf’s, and a second one goes up in a gout as flame as the first’s fuel tank overheats and explodes. Vern feels his hand heat up, and looks to see the hapless Gretchen he was dragging by the hair nothing more than a charred carcass. Disgusted (he prefers his gits raw), he was pleased to notice that his force field was still in operation.
In the field below, the Blood Claws continue their move towards the town. Across the river, another round of fire by the Wolf scouts accounts for another ork, as the sniper rifles continue to take their toll. The Long fangs move up their positions, and prepare to unleash a storm of fire on the alien defenders.
overly large ears easily picking up the sound and crack of gunfire, Warboss
Bob kicks da boyz into action, and they charge into the fray.
Bob and a mob of Trukkaz emerge in the field next to the Blood
claws, startled to see them, they unleash a wild spray of gunfire, injuring
no one. The Trukkaz, under the leadership of their nob Tigg, jump out
from the trukk, and charge the Wolf warriors. Not to be outdone by zoggin’
trukk boyz, Bob joins them in the assault.
Three wolves
fall to the trukk boyz assault, and Tigg adds to the carnage by dispatching
their Blood Claw’s sergeant. Bob, his bulk slowing him in his attack,
is dumbfounded as one Blood Claw cuts him badly not once, but twice! Roaring
his anger, Bob rears back and strikes with unmeasured violence, killing
not only the Claw that wounded him, but four others as well.
single remaining blood claw, stunned by the carnage, turns and flees towards
the river.
Back near the bridge, the boyz fire another round of violence at the wolf scouts. The ‘eavy shoota fire misses horribly, but one rokkit, this one flying true, can be seen exploding exactly on target. With a yell, the ork jumps in glee, but once the smoke clears, he realizes the rokkit struck the wall below the scout, just missing him.
Vern throws the Gretchen’s corpse to the ground, and decides to join up with Goober and his remaining boyz. This time Goober himself and the two remaining burna boyz open fire on the dreadnought, again covering the ancient warrior in flame. Only Goober finds success, as he manages to sever the control links to the Dreadnought’s legs, effectively immobilizing it.
him, the Klunkaz appear on the roadway, crushing asphalt under their feet.
One of the Killa kanz fires its rokkit at the Space Wolf Dreadnought,
but narrowly miss. Next to them, a full mob of slugga boyz enter the town,
eager to come to grips with the humans.