Turn 1:
The Space wolves commence the attack in the southern edge led by the venerable dreadnought Biterolf, the soft ground not hindering his motion. He is followed closely by the Wolf Priest and the Iron Priest, both of the reciting sacred chants as they advance.
On the northern side, Wolf scouts adjust to a better firing position, and a Rhino armored transport advances. Behind the Rhino a Wolf Priest and the Battle leader keep pace with the vehicle.
into position near the roadway, the Space Wolf Whirlwind settles itself
into an old farm's courtyard, and with a shriek fires it's first salvo
of missiles at the bunker. With a crash the ordinance comes down, raining
upon the Ork Warboss and the bunker. Fortunately the bunker structure
itself absorbs most of the damage, and the only casualty is Vern, the
Mekboy entrusted with the Warboss's custom force field.
Biterolf takes aim and fires at the Gretchen near the end of the trench system, exploding three of them with assault cannon fire. Behind him the Wolf Priest's chants get louder as he calls down a storm over the Dreadnought, providing it with additional cover from return fire.
The crew of the Leman Russ fire their twin linked autocannons and the lascannon at the bunker, but are only able to pockmark the heavy concrete structure, doing no real damage. The Rhino next to him opens up with its storm bolters, but its shells patter harmlessly against the trench work in front of the Burna boz.
North across the roadway, the Longfangs fire their lascannon and missile launcher at the bunker, but they too are unable to do more than scratch its exterior. A heavy bolter in their unit takes careful aim at the slugga boyz in the sandbag emplacements, however they are unable to hit.
The Wolf
Guard open fire on the stikkbommas in the old ruined castle tower, but
they too are unable to wound anyone. The advancing Rhino does manage
to knock one stikkbomma from the walls with its storm bolter. On the cliff
face farther north, the Wolf Scouts open fire, and manage to kill another
stikkbomma, but his quick death goes unnoticed by the remaining boyz.
After recovering
from the Whirlwind attack, the Mighty Warboss Bob kicks his boyz into
the 'eavy chevy, and head towads the roadway, his driver
Zogger careful to keep the trukk hull down behind the hillside.
Taking careful aim, Dunzog, Bob's front seat gunner triggers his rokkit,
its path strait and true. The rokkit screams forth, trailing smoke, and
cleanly hits the advancing Space Wolf bikers on the road way. Smiling
evilly, Bob waits for the boom - but none comes, the rokkit was a dud
(rolled a 1 to wound!). Cursing
his mekboy, Bob looks around for Vern, and than realizes that the zoggin'
git was already dead. The remainder of the boyz in the trukk open fire
on the bikers, but cannot manage to hit anything.
The boyz in the bunker open fire with no less than three big shootas and a rokkit launcher at the Whirlwind opposite them, however their fire patters harmlessly off of the farm buildings.
North, in
the old ruined tower, the big shootas and rokkit of the stikkbommas reach
out towards the rhino, but none of them connect.