Chemical Plant

Finished 11-15-2005

This boxed set came out in the Fall of 2005.
Tons of bitz! the pipes are a bit fiddly.
With a scarboy for scale.
This boxed set has been around for a while, I got one to combine with the chem plant kit.
these are just the flat panels, sorted out.
First stp was creating a basic gantry shape from the platformer kit, here based on 1/4 inch MDF with a beveled edge.
And than the first tank and fuel lines go in.
In order to increase the number of available tanks, I "buried" two tops in the bottom.
Gooba checks out the progress.
The looks are starting to take effect. It's important to leave space to move models around, if you intend for actual gaming to take place on these.

And the final product, with Gooba checkin' things out. Note the fallen support, these things are not that well put togeher - glue everthing. This fell after working on the piece, and well, I decided to glue it to the base as is, Fate?

After this, it's sawdust, and paint.

Finished, and painted. My friend Mark helped with the warning treads adn checks on the tanks.
The kits are worth the money, but fiddly, so just be aware of that. I've used this piece a few times now in games (including a megabattle or two) and it's held up nicely.

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