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Warhammer 40K Summer
league 2002! Page 3 |
Week 9: Bob and boyz continue their winning streak in an escalating recon mission fought against Necrons! If you haven't faced these mechanical minions, be wary, be very wary. This was my first combat against them, and despite the win, they are very unnerving. It is no wonder why they are becoming so popular - I took out 15 warriors with a single lemen russ shot, only to see 10 get back up!!! It makes even the stoutest ork heart wilt. On a positive side, Bob finally survived the whole battle (the first time in 9 at bats), even though he was running like a little Git (not fleeing, but using everything he could for cover!)
This mission is a DAKKA DAKKA approved mission, and aided in helping the convict win. Each side starts with only one troop choice on the battle field, everything else is reserves, and you have to roll for which table side they come in on. This kind of mission is actually fun, as you have no idea what is going to happen. The Convict lucked out as my opponent went first, and he got all but one of his units the second turn! This was a good thing, for all that fire power was directed at one, lonely mob of shoota boyz who were wiped out. BUT I got to roll for reserves the next turn, and with his on the table, I was able to come in right next to him, in perfect assault range. Took out his heavies and fast attacks in the very same turn, just left him with 50 warriors and 10 immortals (10 of the warriors we destroyed in hand to hand, but it took another 2 turns). This was a game of very good, and very bad luck. Here's the breakdown.
Very Good Luck
Very Bad Luck
No on to the fun stuff. Pictures!
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Across the volcanic waste land, a 20 warrior strong squad materializes on the plane, lead the hated orb carrying dude.. |
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These monstrous things appeared at the start of turn two on my end of the table, and spelled certain doom for the shootaz pictured. |
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Their reign of terror was short lived, though, as the burna boyz showed up and started hacking away. One round of combat later, 2 dead mechanical tomb spiders. This should not have been too surprising though, as I think the burna boyz were eyeballing the fancy bitz they were going to cut off them. Can you imagine how many 'ard boyz we could make from the exoskelaton alone! No wonder they were enthusiastic. Now that we think about it, maybe we need to loot one, put it on wheels, and make a nice little war buggie.......... |
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An ork's dream....10 warriors with one attack a piece initative 2....versus 20 slugga boyz!!! WAAAAAGH!!!!. |
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Would you believe it took three full turns (6 rounds of hand to hand) for the sluggas to kill these things! In the process I lost 8 sluggaz to boot. In the back, you can see my cheesy grot deployment - the idea was to prevent his last unit from coming in on this table quarter. Admittedly cheesy, this backfired on me, as when the battle wagon and russ did show up, they were stuck on the next table quarter down, and unable to move due to impassible terrain. Beware the cheese!. |
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Here is bob hiding like a little git. He and the dread came in and took out the fast attack unit, but these 10 immortals, with 20 shots total, just ripped up the dreadnought, and Bob is WAAAY out of assault range. Run, Bob, Run! Run he did, tossing the skorcha trakk in front of him for cover until that was blown to bits, and in fact wounding Bob as well, but it was enough for Bob to get behind a nice, big, solid, impenetrable rock. |
Week 10: Victory! - But no pictures, sorry. Forgot the camera. Anywho, we fought a night fight mission against a Vanilla Space Marine army, and this turned out to be a real claw biter. We deployed first, but he got to go first, and he had a lot of plasma and las cannons. The night fight rules hurt me on one side (never got to use the Russ cannon - it couldn't see!), but also helped, as in one turn of his shooting we never took damage. We also benefited from some tactical errors on his part, as he hadn't played against orks in a while, and was unfamiliar with the hand to hand carnage they can cause.
However, winning the game came down to us destroying three vehicles in the very last shooting phase in order to secure two table quarters! The trukkboyz shot down a land speeder typhoon with two big shooters; the last two tankbustas (who were still standing!) managed to both hit and penetrate a rhino up the butt side with rokkits (no comments please, this is a family site); and the burna boyz were able to place 3 burnas on another rhino, cutting it into scrap metal. Had any of these survived, and were still mobile it would have been a tie, had any two done the same it would have been a loss. Close indeed.
For fans of carnage, here's the head count!
Bob. Lived with no wounds! He was attached to the 'ard boyz, and they took out 2 tac squads, and the force commander. 13 'ard boyz were killed in return. They also would have burnad a whirlwind and a rhino had we played out turn 6, but there was no point.
Burna boyz. 4 died, leaving 4 plus the mekboy. They took out a veteran assault sergeant in hand to hand, and made that vital kill on the rhino
Tankbustaz. All but two were killed, but they destroyed a predator, killed 3 veteran marines, knocked the typhoon missiles off of a landspeeder, and killed that important rhino in the last turn.
Shoota boyz. Wiped out, only one ork remaining, by his assault squad in turn 2.
Slugga boyz. Assaulted the above mentioned assault squad, wiping it out with the help of the trukkaz.
Gitz. Worked marvelously as a difficult terrain bridge for the sluggaz, allowing them to speed into hand to hand.
Trukkaz. Helped to eliminate the assault squad (we charged it from both sides, trukkaz on one side, sluggaz on the other), and managed to destroy that vital land speeder tornado in turn 6.
Rokkit trakk - did nada, was destroyed in hand to hand.
Smoka trakk - did nada, was destroyed by las cannons.
Leman Russ - did nada, first main gun was destroyed, next it was ripped apart in hand to hand combat
Dreadnought - killed 3 veteran troopers and immobilized a rhino, before being killed in hand to hand combat.
Battlebarge - immobilized his dreadnought, survived battle intact.
Week 11: A loss!!!! No pictures, sorry, but we faced a Blood Angels squad complete with a death company. Those jokers get back up on roll of a 4 or better - and despite the loss, we managed to wipe out half the squad. It was a vitory points battle, and it was swayed heavily in his favor, due to poor troop placement on my part and a tough table that didn't work well for the boyz. He was two leagues higher than myself, so I ended up the league with a 5-4-2 record, leaving me at 11 exacltly. Now to wait and see who goes in the finals.....